Avoid New Year’s Resolutions: Do This Instead
Dec 31, 2023
Read time: 3 minutes
2024 is knocking at the door, and it's the perfect time to start anew.
But let's face it: most New Year's resolutions don’t last (81% to be exact).
Think about it: every year, millions of us make New Year's resolutions, but by February, gyms are empty, diets are ditched, and old habits creep back.
Why does this happen?
Because we’re often aiming too high too fast, which sets us up for a fall.
Beyond Good Intentions: The Reality of Unmet Goals
How many times have you said: “This year’s going to be different”?
Every year you may have grand plans to:
- lose fat
- get abs
- crazy biceps
- read one book per week
- run a marathon
- learn to play the guitar
- stop eating chocolate
- stop drinking coffee
- stop smoking
- etc…
Year after year, our resolutions often go unfulfilled.
Because we aim too high without a clear plan, overwhelming ourselves.
Initially, we're motivated, but this enthusiasm soon fades.
Gradually, our efforts to maintain new habits wane, we lose sight of our reasons, and slowly, we revert to our old ways, ending up right where we started.
Small Habits, Significant Changes
The obvious solution to this problem is to build a system of small habits.
- Small habits are easier to execute, therefore easier to maintain.
- Multiple small habits compound over time (like compound interest).
- Small habits foster consistency, which is key to long-term success.
Now, you’re probably thinking “I know this already. I’ve read Atomic Habits – tell me something I don’t know”.
Okay, here we go…
The Key to Actual Change in 2024.
Ever heard 'you are what you eat'?
This isn't just about food. What we consume becomes a part of us, shaping our very cells.
This concept extends beyond diet to our actions: 'You are what you do.'
Our repeated behaviours shape our consciousness, influence our choices, and ultimately define us.
Interestingly, many of us rarely contemplate the type of person we aspire to be.
As a result, we don’t consider what behaviours are necessary to become that person.
In other words, we don’t set goals.
And without goals, our present path predicts our future.
Then, our current actions are, in effect, our goals.
- Your calendar? It reveals your future.
- Your friends? They mirror your path ahead.
- Your habits? Well, they speak volumes about where you're headed.
Clearly, our actions carry immense weight.
The pivotal question then becomes: what actions will I choose to shape my future?
One Habit, Multiple Rewards
Over the past decade, I've transformed my life: quitting alcohol, drugs, smoking, and overhauling my diet to less than 5% ultra-processed foods, avoiding refined oils and artificial additives.
The catalyst for all these changes? A single habit: meditation.
For those familiar with my journey, you'll know it all started with meditation in 2017.
And it completely changed everything.
I enjoy practicing meditation in the morning, therefore I need to get up early.
Because my kid wakes up before 6 am, I need to wake up before 5 am.
This means going to bed on time to avoid disrupting my morning routine. Late nights, alcohol, or exhaustion would derail my practice.
Meditation helps me focus, so it has replaced my coffee consumption.
Meditation gives me a sense of relief, and therefore I don’t need external substances to ‘take the edge off’.
Meditation has taught me to see my body as a tool for achieving greater things. This realisation motivates me to eat healthily and avoid lifestyle-related illness that could hold me back.
This single habit has aligned everything in my life.
When you find that transformative habit, it's truly worth cherishing.
In habit literature, this is known as a 'keystone habit', an 'anchor habit', or a 'linchpin habit'.
Whatever you call it, it's the foundational habit that stabilises and influences all others.
It's that pivotal habit that, once in place, naturally leads to a cascade of other positive changes in your life.
Unlocking 2024: Discover Your Game-Changing Habit
As we step into the new year, let's adopt a powerful yet simple strategy.
Rather than compiling a lengthy list of ambitious goals, let's zero in on just ONE pivotal habit.
This isn't about adding more to your plate; it's about finding that one keystone habit that simplifies everything else.
It's about selecting a habit that, once established, makes other desired changes feel natural and achievable.
So, ask yourself: What is the ONE habit that, if developed, could make a significant portion of your other goals easier, or even unnecessary?
This habit should be:
- Impactful: Choose a habit that has the potential to create positive ripples across various aspects of your life.
- Feasible: It should be realistic and achievable, not something that sets you up for frustration.
- Aligned with greater purpose: Select a habit that reflects both your personal values and contributes to broader, more meaningful goals beyond yourself.
- Catalytic: Look for a habit that can kickstart or accelerate progress in other areas of your life.
Focusing on one key habit can unlock a cascade of positive changes, effortlessly.
It's about smart choices, not hard work.
This habit is your tool for shaping 2024 — choose it well and watch your life transform.
Think where you could be if you'd started last year; now's your time to act.
Don't miss another chance for change.
To a different 2024,
Dr Yannick
Jumpstart Your Journey: Join Our 7-Day Challenge
P.S. Building on the idea of embracing one transformative habit in 2024, I'm excited to invite you to our free 7-Day Habit Challenge!
This is your opportunity to put that concept into action and start the year with momentum.
Join us to:
- Break unproductive patterns: Tackle habits that hold you back.
- Learn through daily lessons: Just 10 minutes a day from January 1.
- Use practical tools: Personalised assessments and trackers for your progress.
- Achieve real results: Shift your mindset and habits for a more disciplined life.
Ready to reshape your 2024 from day one? Dive into our free challenge now – let's tackle this year with action, not just intentions!