Beyond Willpower: 4 Tactics For A Disciplined Mind
Feb 11, 2024
Read time: 4 minutes
Unveil the secrets to mastering self-control and learn how aligning your mind with your goals can lead to a more focused and fulfilling life.
Ever find yourself reacting on impulse, only to regret it later?
That extra slice of cake you didn't need, the skipped gym session, those moments with your child or partner, when a harsh word slips out, only to wish you could take it back.
It could be little things, but they add up.
They can spiral, turning into habits that hold you back.
What if you could step back, see the bigger picture, and choose a different path? What if you could master your mind, making it work for you, not against you? Imagine the calm, the focus, the control.
We're diving into how you can achieve this. Let's see how.
The Ancient Struggle: Understanding Self-Control
Self-control isn't new. It's been a human challenge for centuries.
The ancient Vedic scholars saw the mind as a double-edged sword. It can lead or mislead.
Picture this: a mind unchecked, like a wild horse, dragging you wherever it pleases.
Now, think of a mind controlled, a powerful ally guiding you towards your goals.
This is about understanding the power within us, a power that science shows is critical for success.
The Science Behind Self-Control
Studies in psychology and criminology reveal that lacking self-control can lead to reduced job performance, negative leadership styles and unethical behaviour, costing companies billions annually.
Even disciplined leaders struggle with self-control, not due to lack of commitment, but from not fully understanding their mind. Our minds, overwhelmed with stimuli, can mislead us if unmastered.
Self-control comes from aligning the mind with personal values and goals, transforming impulsive reactions into thoughtful decisions.
It's not just about avoiding mistakes but consciously choosing paths to genuine success. It's not merely about resisting temptations like chocolate; it's about deciding when it's right.
This approach involves using mental energy effectively and making daily choices that align with your personal and professional aspirations.
The Fixed Mindset
Many believe discipline is innate – you either have it or you don’t. This fixed mindset traps them.
They avoid challenges, succumb to temptations, and don’t set goals. Without challenges, there’s no failure, no learning, no growth.
Giving in to temptations leads to weakness, making goal achievement difficult. Without goals, direction is lost. Emotions run wild, leading to destructive outcomes in life and relationships.
The belief that discipline can’t be learned is a fallacy. Like muscles in a gym, willpower and self-control can be developed.
Recognising this opportunity is the first step towards change.
Unveiling the Solution: The Path to Self-Control
In a world where self-control is often difficult to exercise, understanding and mastering our minds is key. Let's explore how to turn your mind into a powerful ally, paving the way for a life of control and fulfilment.
Your mind should be your friend, not your enemy
Recognise the true role of your mind. It's a powerful tool, but it shouldn't rule you. Ancient wisdom teaches us that an uncontrolled mind is the source of all frustration.
An ancient wisdom from the Bhagavad-gita tells us: “For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his very mind will be the greatest enemy.” (— Bhagavad-gita 6:6).
You own mind can be your greatest enemy – that’s quite a bit statement. But realising this is your first step towards self-mastery.
How To Make Your Mind Your Friend
Transforming your mind into an ally starts with concrete, practical steps. Here’s how to apply these ideas in your daily life:
- Curate Your Information Diet:
- Your media diet shapes your thoughts and decisions. Be as selective with information as you are with food. Choose content that enriches, educates, and uplifts you. Avoid content that only serves to divide or upset.
- Action Tip: Audit your digital consumption. For a week, track what you read, watch, and listen to. Then, critically assess: does this content make you feel informed, inspired, or drained? Unfollow or unsubscribe from sources that don’t contribute positively. Steer clear of sensationalist news that fuels negativity. Actively seek out podcasts, books, and articles that align with your aspirations and values.
- Delay Gratification:
- Learning to wait for greater rewards builds willpower, crucial for long-term success. It's like muscle training but for your self-control. Action tips:
- Tech-Free Mornings: Instead of reaching for your phone to check emails or social media first thing in the morning, give yourself 30 minutes of tech-free time. Use this period to meditate, stretch, or simply plan your day.
- Weekend Alcohol Challenge: Start with a small challenge like skipping alcohol on one Friday night. Gradually extend this to include the entire weekend, then a whole week, and eventually aim for an alcohol-free month
- The Snack Delay Game: When you feel the urge to snack, set a timer for 10-15 minutes. Engage in a different activity during this time. Often, the urge will pass, or you'll find yourself making a healthier snack choice.
- Learning to wait for greater rewards builds willpower, crucial for long-term success. It's like muscle training but for your self-control. Action tips:
- Eliminate Temptations:
- Your environment significantly influences your habits. Remove the cues for bad habits to foster good ones.
- Action Tip: Take healthy eating as an example – the battle is won or lost at the grocery store. Avoid purchasing unhealthy foods. Now, if they're already in your house and you can't remove them, store them out of sight or in hard-to-reach places. The less convenient it is to access a temptation, the less likely you are to give in.
- Focus on the Controllable:
- Channel your energy into what you can change. Stressing over the uncontrollable is a drain on mental resources and leads to burnout.
- Action Tip: Write down your worries. Split them into two columns: 'Controllable' and 'Uncontrollable'. Focus your efforts on the first column. If you can control it, you don’t have to worry. If you can’t control it, you don’t have to worry either – because your worrying is going to have zero effect. This practice not only clarifies your action plan but also provides a sense of relief by acknowledging what's beyond your control.
These steps aren't just theoretical concepts; they're actionable strategies that can significantly impact your daily life.
By understanding and implementing these steps, you embark on a path not just to self-control but to a life of purpose and fulfilment. This journey is about making small, consistent changes that accumulate into a profound transformation.