Self Growth Well-Being Assessment
This is a quick self-assessment that gives you a personalised score on 6 essential well-being habits.

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Including practical resources to improve 6 essential areas of well-being.
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6 Essential Well-being Habits
My name is Yannick, and I'm a well-being researcher at Griffith University. Over the past years, I have researched what it means to live a good life. What makes people happy? What makes life meaningful? There are 6 habits that stand out.

Develop Personal Growth
Do you have a growth mindset or a fixed mindset?

Increase Resilience
How quickly do you bounce back (or forward) after adversity?

Seek Purpose & Meaning
Do you have a clear sense of direction in your life?

Cultivate Mindfulness
Do you deal with situations with steadiness, calmness and clarity?

Build Positive Relationships
To what extent are your relationships helping you to move forward in life?

Manage Stress
Are you able to manage the important things in life without getting overwhelmed?
I found that people who score high on these 6 habits are healthier and happier.
So, I have developed the "Self Growth Well-being Assessment". It's a quick self-assessment that gives you a personalised score on these 6 important well-being habits.
Based on your score, you get a personalised feedback report that tells you what you do well already, and where there is room for improvement.
If you want to build habits that make you healthier and happier, you should take this assessment.
It's completely free, and it takes only 5 minutes. Just click the link below to get your personalised well-being report for free.
Oh, and when you get your personalised well-being report, you will also get access to 6 videos that help you to improve your well-being habits.
Get Your Free Report
I'm a behaviour change scientist at Griffith University and founder at Impaktr.
I have taught hundreds of professionals and have presented my research at conferences in Australia, New Zealand and the US.
My methods are rooted in ancient wisdom, backed by modern science — and made accessible through personal experience.
Having undergone major transformations myself, I don't just talk the talk, I walk the walk as well.
My tools are for people who want to elevate their thinking, make wise decisions and take excellent actions, so they can live a life of purpose and fulfillment.
Ready to elevate your well-being?
Take the free well-being test to find your starting point.