Reclaim 20+ Hours/Week and Double Your Impact

High Impact Director is a 12-week coaching program for accomplished executives to reclaim 20+ hours/week and double productivity – without burning out.

Created by a behavioural scientist (PhD), this personalised, evidence-backed program is a clear path to sustainable peak performance and holistic well-being.

Unlike other programs, it’s not about doing more. You’ll integrate 3 systems of intelligence to remove what holds you back, master your emotions, and focus on what drives real results.

You’ll build unbreakable routines for sleep, nutrition, movement, meditation, and deep work—so you can run a thriving business without sacrificing what matters in your life.

End self-sabotage.

Finally reclaim your time, focus and health.

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"My life has changed a lot since I live according to my values. Before the Master Habit, I used to "react" and said yes to everything. Now I know what's important, I'm "proactive" and I spend my time and energy on things that actually help me achieve my life's goals."

Johan van de Pol
CEO, Pontifexx

"I had little control over my time. I often felt like I was running on fumes, with poor habits of not eating right and not exercising enough. I wanted to regain control, and the Master Habit Accelerator helped me set my path straight. It showed me how to regain control of my life. Life is short and time is limited. I would say, give it a go. "

Adrian Chong
IT Analyst, Griffith University

"One of the biggest things I got from the Master Habit was that my life's perfect vision was right in front of me. I just couldn't see it. So, I can't recommend this program highly enough. It has been life-changing."

Bec Mitton
Director, Lux Aestiva

"I want to wake up every day feeling refreshed, focused, and having the determination to excel and do things that matter. This was an excellent opportunity to help me achieve my goals in life."

Shyam Buddingh
Business Leader, Michael Page

Overwhelmed and time-poor?

Constantly busy but not moving the needle? Are endless distractions pulling you off track?

Stressed and burnt out?

Waking up already exhausted? Feeling anxious, drained, and unable to recharge, no matter how much rest you get?

Lacking discipline and routine?

Struggling to fit in exercise, proper sleep, and nutrition? Tried building routines, but they never stick?

Most busy executives face the same 10 problems:

If you're reading this, chances are one (or more) of these problems are keeping you up at night (and keeping you from mastering your time, focus, and well-being).

And deep down, you already know it’s time to make a change — which is why you're here.

Whether you want to make more impact in less time, be calm and confident, or reclaim your health, high-performance has been on your mind for a while.


Demolish self-sabotage

There are 3 killers of high impact:

Bad Habit #1:

Getting stuck in busy work

Busy days filled with urgent tasks leave little time for high-impact work. Emails, meetings, and quick tasks feel productive, but real progress often gets left behind. This makes it tough to focus on what matters, both at work and in life.

Bad Habit #2:

Neglecting healthy routines

Busy days often mean skipping exercise, sleep, and healthy meals. Over time, this leads to fatigue, weight gain, and a drop in mental and physical well-being—making it harder to perform well and hurting both health and effectiveness.

Bad Habit #3:

Ignoring stress

Stress is often seen as success, with exhaustion viewed as dedication. But without rest, it leads to burnout, anxiety, and poor performance. Over time, it drains energy, harms relationships, and raises the risk of serious health issues like heart disease and depression.

What if there are THREE systems that enable ANY high achiever to master their focus, habits, and emotions? They break the cycle of busy work, restore healthy routines, and turn stress into a tool for success—unlocking peak performance and lasting well-being.

Hi, I'm Dr Yannick van Hierden

As a behaviour change scientist specialising in peak performance and health, my life's work is to help high achievers break free from chronic stress and the constant demands of ‘busyness’.

Drawing on my PhD research and the experience of consulting for leading institutions, I've distilled centuries of ancient wisdom and modern science into an effective solution: High Impact Director.

By integrating three systems of intelligence into your daily life, you can master your focus, habits, and emotions—tackling problems like being time-poor, screen overload, lack of focus, low productivity, procrastination, stress, lack of meaning, discipline struggles, emotional challenges, and sleep disruption.

What if I told you that there is ONE transformative habit that enables ANY high achiever to immediately reclaim their free time, curb their stress, and revolutionise their well-being?

Hi, I'm Dr Yannick van Hierden

As a behaviour change scientist specialising in peak performance and health, my life's work is to help high achievers break free from chronic stress and the tyranny of ‘busyness’.

Drawing on the experience of consulting for leading institutions and my PhD research, I've distilled centuries of ancient wisdom and modern science into a powerful solution: The Master Habit Accelerator.

You only need 3 systems to reclaim your health and double your impact

System 1:

Focus Intelligence

Focus is the invisible driver behind every successful outcome. It’s not just about managing time, it’s about eliminating distractions and aligning every action with your highest priorities. Mastering focus allows you to reclaim time, double your productivity, and make decisions with unmatched clarity.

System 2:

Behavioural Intelligence

Behaviour dictates impact. The actions you repeat daily shape your success. With the right systems for movement, nutrition, and sleep, discipline becomes effortless. With sustained energy and peak performance, burnout becomes a thing of the past. Behavioural Intelligence allows you to work efficiently, creating habits that drive your success on autopilot.

System 3:

Emotional Intelligence

Your mind is your greatest asset—or your greatest obstacle. Emotional Intelligence is about mastering your mind—gaining control over your thoughts and emotions so they serve your goals, not sabotage them. With this mastery, you stay composed under pressure, think clearly in difficult situations, and lead with intention.

High Impact Directors are those rare people who've cracked the code on making big things happen.

They've mastered the art of focus, unbreakable habits, and keeping their cool under pressure - all to leave their mark on the world in a major way.

Gain unmistakable directional clarity

Know exactly where you're heading. Every step you take is aligned with your goals, bringing confidence and focus to everything you do.

Double productivity & reclaim 20+ hours per week

Work smarter AND harder. Achieve twice as much in less time and free up 20+ hours a week for what matters most—whether it’s growing your business, spending time with family, or personal growth.

Build habits for movement, nutrition, and sleep

Understand the science of behaviour change and create habits that stick. From exercise to sleep, design routines that energise you daily and optimise your well-being.

Make discipline (nearly) effortless

Turn self-discipline into second nature. Build the mental strength to stay consistent and committed, without feeling drained or trapped in rigid, forced routines.

Master your mind and emotions

Gain control over your thoughts and emotions. Resist temptations, stay focused, and make clear decisions in the face of challenges. Shift from reactive to proactive thinking, staying ahead and maintaining control over your direction.

Make stress work for you (not against you)

Flip the script on stress. Acute stress sharpens your focus and boosts performance, helping you thrive under pressure. Learn to turn stress into a powerful tool for growth, without risking burnout.

Double your impact and meaning

Stop spinning your wheels on tasks that don’t matter. Focus on high-impact work that not only moves the needle but also brings meaning to your business and life. Make every action count by working on what matters.



High-impact masterclasses

Access training sessions with cutting-edge, science-based, and wisdom-rooted strategies to achieve peak performance in both business and life.

Personalised Coaching & Accountability

Engage in 12 live one-on-one sessions with Dr van Hierden to rewire your habits, sharpen your focus, and boost your productivity. By week 12, you'll accomplish in one morning what used to take all day.

Intelligent Behaviour Systems

Upgrade your daily operating system with new impact routines and protocols. Double your productivity, reclaim 20+ hours weekly, and focus on what matters most with greater energy, focus, and discipline.


  • 1:1 Personal Coaching with Dr van Hierden: 100% anonymous and confidential
  • Tailor-made Systems & Handouts: Optimise your focus, sleep, stress, and more
  • 10/6 Accessibility: Access Dr van Hierden's phone (10 hours/day, 6 days/week)
  • Top-notch Tracking Device: Monitor your sleep, stress, and energy levels with an OURA ring or WHOOP wristband.
  • Guaranteed Impact Boost: Expect a 100% increase in productivity and impact.
  • Detailed Performance Analysis: Customised evaluations to track progress in essential areas, ensuring balanced transformation.
  • 80/20 Life Analysis: Identify high-impact activities in health, relationships, and work. 
  • 7-Day Digital Reset: Disconnect from non-essential tech and rediscover what truly matters.
  • 7-Day Meditation Quest: Immerse yourself in mindfulness and meditation for a calmer, more focused mind.
  • 21-Day Habit Overhaul: A guide to forming and sticking to new habits with ease. 
  • Role, Reasons & Rules Blueprint: Define who you want to be and align your habits with this identity.
  • Ikigai Canvas: Discover the intersection of what the world needs, what you value, and what you excel at.
  • [BONUS] Master the Art of Focus: Training to help you focus in a distracted world.
  • [BONUS] The Ultimate Guide to Master Stress: Training on mastering stress and thriving under pressure.
  • [BONUS] The Ultimate Guide to Become Disciplined: Training on building unshakeable discipline.
Book your call →


Real stories from high-performers who've reshaped their mind and habits, and found deeper meaning. Take a peek into their world after the Impacter training and coaching.


About Dr Yannick van Hierden

Performance and well-being specialist

I grew up in the Netherlands and was the lowest-performing student at my university. But when I moved to Australia, I transformed from a procrastinating couch potato with toxic habits into a high-performer who graduated among the top 1% at Griffith University.

I then completed a PhD, mastering the topics of high performance and well-being. I received nearly $500,000 dollars in scholarships and grants to conduct research and build real-world solutions.

Informed by my research, I founded Impaktr to help high achievers outsmart stress, focus on what matters, and make a greater impact. I’m known for combining modern science with ancient wisdom to create lasting change. My mission is to empower people to take control of their minds, habits, and ultimately, their lives.

Highlights & impact

  • PhD in behaviour change: specialises in performance and well-being.
  • Received $500,000 dollars in scholarships and grants for his research.
  • Combines ancient wisdom and modern science to change lives.
  • Trained hundreds of professionals from organisations including KPMG, Mater Hospital, Queensland Government, Costco and more.
  • Published research articles in leading scientific journals.
  • Presented to audiences in Australia, New Zealand, the United States, and The Netherlands.
  • Delivered dozens of high-impact workshops to professionals and academics.